Our Departments

Department of Tamil


In the year 1987, the Department of Tamil Studies came into existence to teach UG Part 1. We established the Undergraduate Tamil Literature Department in 1996, the Post Graduate Tamil Literature Department in 2001, and the Ph.D. in 2016.

Department of Tamil - Faculty List

S.NO Name of Faculty Members Designation Specialization
1 Ms. R. Ramya Assistant Professor Samaya Ilakkiyam
2 Ms. R. Manju Assistant Professor Tamilaga varalarum Panpadum
3 Ms. K. Savithri Assistant Professor Ilakkiya Varalaru
4 Ms. M. Gayathri Assistant Professor Naatupuraviyal

Department Association Activity

Department Extension Activity

Department of English

         The Department of English has been offering Part-II English ever since 1987. B.A.English Major – Part-III was hand-o-righted in 2002 with the sanctioned strength of 40. Spoken English classes are conducted by the faculty members of English to enrich the knowledge of our students. Indian culture and literature, journalism, commonwealth literature and english for competitive examinations are the key areas of specialisation.

Department of English - Faculty List

S.NO Name of Faculty Members Designation Specialization
1 Ms. S. Jeevitha HOD, Assistant Professor Indian Writing in English
2 Ms. K. Jhansirani Assistant Professor Introduction to language and linguistics
3 Ms.A. Pradeepa Assistant Professor Introduction to language and linguistics

Department Association Activity

Department Extension Activity

Department of Mathematics

         The department of Mathematics is one among the three oldest departments of the college. It was hand-o-rightted in 1987 at the time of the inception of the college. The department offers both UG and PG courses in Mathematics. M.Sc., Mathematics was introduced in 2004. It also offers Mathematics as an allied subject for B.Sc., Physics, Chemistry and as one of the major papers for B.Sc.,Computer Science. The Mathematical foundation for Computer Science paper for M.C.A., programme is taught by the faculty of Mathematics. The allied subjects for B.Sc., Mathematics are Physics and Chemistry.

Department of Mathematics - Faculty List

S.NO Name of Faculty Members Designation Specialization
1 Ms. E. Niraimathi HOD, Assistant Professor Topology, Algebra, Operations Research
2 Ms. M. Gayathri Assistant Professor Stochastic Processes, Graph theory, Operations Research
3 Ms. M. Vijayalakshmi Assistant Professor Operation Research, Calculus, Astronomy
4 Ms. S. Prabhadevi Assistant Professor Operation Research, Linear Algebra, Graph theory
5 Ms. D. Ramya Assistant Professor Differential Equations, Algebra

Department Association Activity

Department Extension Activity

Department of Physics

         The department of Physics was started in 1987 with a sanctioned strength of 50. The allied courses for B.Sc., Physics are Mathematics and Chemistry. The department offers Physics as an allied subject for B.Sc., Mathematics and Chemistry.

Department of Physics - Faculty List

S.NO Name of Faculty Members Designation Specialization
1 Ms.S. Chinnamuthammal HOD, Assistant Professor Optics, Electronics

Department Association Activity

Department Extension Activity

Department of Chemistry

         The department of Chemistry was established its B.Sc., course in the year 1990 with a sanctioned strength of 40. The Chemistry is offered as an allied subject for B.Sc., Physics and Mathematics, while Mathematics and Physics are the allied subjects for B.Sc., Chemistry. The department is upgraded as M.Sc., department in the academic year 2004-2005 with a sanctioned strength of 32 .

Department of Chemistry - Faculty List

S.NO Name of Faculty Members Designation Specialization
1 Ms. R.Dhivya HOD, Assistant Professor Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry , Polymer Chemistry, Photo Chemistry
2 Ms. M. Gomathy Assistant Professor Physical Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Nano Chemistry
3 Ms. L. Elavarasi Assistant Professor Polymer Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Nano Chemistry
4 Ms. S. Lakshmi Assistant Professor Physical Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry

Department Association Activity

Department Extension Activity

Department of Computer Science

         The department of Computer Science was hand-o-righted in 1987 with a sanctioned strength of 50. Mathematics and Physics are allied subjects for B.Sc., Computer Science. B.C.A., course was started in the academic year 1999 with a sanctioned strength of 40. The department of Computer Applications offers the following courses Bachelor and Master programme in Computer Applications. Affiliation for M.C.A., course was obtained in 1991 with a sanctioned strength of 20. The M.C.A., programme is approved by the Bharathidasan University. M.C.A., lateral entry (2 years) for Computer Science, IT and B.C.A., were hand-o-righted in the year 2013-14. Mathematics and Accountancy are the allied subject for Computer Applications.

Department of Computer Science - Faculty List

S.NO Name of Faculty Members Designation Specialization
1 Ms. S. Kavitha HOD, Assistant Professor BIG DATA, R-Programming, Python
2 Ms. S.Prabhadevi Assistant Professor Java, PHP, Operating Systems
3 Ms. G. Nithya Assistant Professor Data Structures and Algorithms, DMB systems, Big data Programming in C, C++, Python and COBOL
4 Ms. M. Deepika Assistant Professor CSS, Java Script, HTML
5 Ms. G. Sudha Assistant Professor Database, Programming in C

Department Association Activity

Department Extension Activity

Department of Microbiology

         In the year 1995, B.Sc., Microbiology was started with a sanctioned strength of 32. M.Sc., Microbiology was started in 1996 with a sanctioned strength of 12. Hands on training with professional teaching on modern developments are giving to the students along with opportunities for concept creation and execution of basic, theoretical and applied projects. Microbiology is emerging as the key area of all biological science. It includes  various branches like bacteriology – the study about bacteria, virology – the study about virus, mycology-study of fungi, physiology – the study about algae, proto zoology – the study about unicellular animals, immunology – the science concerned with body’s defence mechanism, biotechnology – the study of industrial process that involves the use of bio organisms. Biochemistry, biostatistics and bioinformatics are the allied paper for microbiology.

Department of Microbiology - Faculty List

S.NO Name of Faculty Members Designation Specialization
1 Ms. R. Kavitha HOD, Asssistant Professor Environmental Microbiology
2 Ms. R. Jeeva Assistant Professor Food Microbiology, Environmental and Agricultural Microbiology
3 Ms. R. S. Suganya Assistant Professor Immunology, Molecular Biology, rDNA Technology
4 Ms. B. Arthi Assistant Professor Microbial Physiology, Molecular Biology

Department Association Activity

Department Extension Activity

Department of Commerce and Management

         Department of Commerce came into existence when the college was established in 1987. The department offers UG , PG and M.Phil., . B.Com., course was introduced in 1987 with a sanctioned strength of 60. M.Com was introduced in the year 1992 with a sanctioned strength of 20  and M. Phil., in the year 2008 . B.Com., (Computer Applications) was introduced in 2009 with a sanctioned strength of 60. Economics, Business Mathematics and Fundamentals of Information Technology are to be studied as allied subjects. The Department of Business Administration was established in the year 1994, with a sanctioned strength of 40. The aim of the department is to create enhanced competence of career positioning tied up with opportunity to become a global business and management professionals. The program expects a serious commitment of the student to take up challenging study schedule and assignments. The course involves a blend of theoretical education and practical training which runs concurrently for a period of three years and equips the student knowledge, ability, skills and other qualities required for professional executives.

Department of Commerce and Management - Faculty List

S.NO Name of Faculty Members Designation Specialization
1 Ms. K. Balambal HOD, Asssistant Professor Marketing
2 Ms. S. Thamayanthi Assistant Professor Marketing
3 Ms. V. Renganayaki Assistant Professor Marketing
4 Ms. S. Shanthi Assistant Professor Accountancy
5 Ms. S. Banupriya Assistant Professor Marketing
6 Ms. S.Meenatchi Assistant Professor Marketing
7 Ms. P. Sangeetha Assistant Professor Managerial Communication
8 Ms. K. Sudhadevi Assistant Professor Statistics
9 Ms. M. Revathi Assistant Professor Human Resource Management

Department Association Activity

Department Extension Activity

Department of Hospital Administration


Department of Hospital Administration - Faculty List

S.NO Name of Faculty Members Designation Specialization
1 Ms. T. C. Kaviya Assistant Professor Human Resource Management

Department Association Activity

Department Extension Activity